Who We Are

We are a not-for-profit, community interest company, established in the UK. We are governed by a Board of Directors, assisted by an Advisory Panel of experts.

We maintain regular contact with UK and foreign data protection organizations, data protection activists and academics. We also conduct opinion polls among internet users on topics relevant to our cause. All insights we gain from these activities are included in our decision-making processes on research, investigation and redress.

Please feel free to contact us at hello@dataprotectionfoundation.org if you have any questions or would like to bring something to our attention.

Our Board

Our Board of Directors maintain our direction and supervise our activities. Our Board members have the specific expertise and experience necessary to represent our members’ interests.

Mark Stoter OBE

Mark Stoter OBE

Mark was a senior technologist in the British Army and the intelligence community. He was seconded to GCHQ to build the National Cyber Force. He holds a patent for a privacy-preserving technology and is an advocate for consumers’ data rights online.

Kate Wellington

Kate Wellington

Kate is the CEO of the Costs Lawyer Standards Board and co-founder and director of the Class Representative Network. She brings extensive legal and practical experience in UK collective actions.

Hannah Lownsbrough

Hannah Lownsbrough

Hannah is an experienced campaign and fundraising professional and is currently the Executive Director of SumofUs. She brings considerable experience of campaigning and fundraising and has broad experience as a board member in this field.

Our Advisory Panel

We maintain an Advisory Panel, composed of experts from the realms of academia, government policy, data governance and citizens’ rights. They give us thematic depth and help to guide our priorities and research.
Jenny Watson CBE

Jenny Watson CBE

Jenny was chair of the Electoral Commission from 2009 to 2016 and has acted in leadership positions on several high profile boards including the Portman Group, the Financial Ombudsman Service, and the Financial Reporting Council. She advises us on data matters that relate to electoral fairness and addiction, including online gambling.

Anouk Ruhaak

Anouk Ruhaak

Anouk is a Senior Fellow with the Mozilla Foundation. She designs and implements data governance models that help us share the benefits of data more widely while shifting agency from data collector to the data subject. She has a background in political economics and software development and has founded several communities in the tech space.

Duncan McCann

Duncan McCann

Duncan is Head of Accountability at 5 Rights Foundation where he works to ensure companies respect children’s rights in the online world. Duncan has a legal background, and over a decade in both tech industry and NGO worlds. Duncan advises us on data matters that relate to children and surveillance advertising.